Stratford People & Culture President Mike D’Amico was one of several HR professionals to speak with Wesley Clover about how the pandemic has impacted attracting and retaining talent in Canada’s largest tech park and how the past 18 months have impacted operations.

    Joining Mike in the discussion are Elena McGuire, Director, People & Culture at Thrive, and Erin Bailey, Manager of People Operations at Solink.

    When asked about what roles and skills are actively being sought in the current and post-pandemic job market, all three spoke about the importance and need for tech talent within their organizations, specifically looking for skills to complement SaaS, customer support/success, sales, marketing, and to help with adapting to remote environments.

    Of the demand, Mike says, “IT is an area that has become really hot. Numerous organizations have had to implement technology solutions, whether it’s for internal communications or to adapt how products and services are delivered in a remote environment, resulting in IT skills being in high demand…We now see technical talent in the Kanata North tech park recruited directly from Silicon Valley.”

    Read the full I/O blog post here.


    About Wesley Clover

    Under the direction of Chairman Terry Matthews, Wesley Clover builds businesses.  The focus has been consistent for more than four decades – found or fund successful technology companies, either independently or in partnership with other investors.  The model for providing start-ups with a better-than-average chance of success goes beyond lead investment, offering access to experienced resources and mentors, extended portfolio products and intellectual property, lead customer opportunities, and global channel and partner relationships.